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High School Memories

Daily writing prompt
Describe something you learned in high school.

I graduated in 1976. It was a whole different world, and I was a whole different person.

My memories of High School are actually few. Not much happened to me to make it important enough to remember, I guess. I did get a part time job my senior year of high school, and I liked the job. It was part time doing odds and ends busy work at an insurance company. I ended up working there for 13 years.

I learned that there are so many absolute jerks in that age group. Lots of bullying and just stupid stuff. I was glad to be out of there!

One thought on “High School Memories

  1. I am so sorry you had a lousy high school experience. I graduated 6 years before you and really had a good experience even though my best friend moved far away after our freshman year and my dad died after my sophomore year, my other friends and the faculty helped me find my way in the world.

    I was in forensics, yearbook, photography, newspaper, and lots of business classes, all of which helped me in my future. I also received many scholarships that the counseling staff helped me get that my college education was paid for. I wish everyone could have a similar high school experience.

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